By Michelle Lurie, Psy.D., ABPdN. What is Back-to-School Anxiety? The prospect of returning to school after the summer break is both exciting and anxiety-provoking for our children. Even for those … [Read more...]
Teaching Your Child Self-Control
By Michelle Lurie, Psy.D., ABPdN. Your child’s social-emotional development is as important as his or her cognitive and physical development. Unlike learning to walk and talk, however, … [Read more...]
The Effects of Television on Your Child: What You Can Do
By Michelle Lurie, Psy.D., ABPdN. How often do you turn to your TV to keep your child occupied for a few minutes while you attempt to finish a task? How often does this “few minutes” increase to an … [Read more...]
Why Is My Child Different?
By Michelle Lurie, Psy.D., ABPdN. What an amazing experience preschool is! When our children enter at age 2, they are in diapers, barely talking, and clinging to mom and dad. Over the next two to … [Read more...]